
Jeepers Creepers

Puppies' eyes opened! I just love to see their eyes!
They are trying to walk, but not quite there yet.


A Few Things We've Learned Along the Way

Goldendoodles are such a joy. We love our boys so much. This is what we've learned by living with and loving these special dogs.

Goldendoodles are:

  • smart They are easy to train. We've kept up with several of our babies and they've all been so easy to house train, crate train, and just easy to teach to be good, obedient citizens. In the morning I have them help me wake the kids up. All I have to say is go wake up the boys and they are off. Score!
  • sort of high maintenance We loved having our boys long and shaggy but they are super hard to keep them tidy and mat-free. We joke that Chief could be a show dog because he l-o-v-e loves to be groomed and brushed and fussed over. Scout wants nothing to do with it. Despite our best efforts we ended up having to have them shaved. Goldendoodles need regular grooming, whether you can do it yourself or have to take them, their fur can get matted and then it's impossible to keep. We loved the look of our boys when they were shaved (once we got over the fact that they were super tiny under all that curly hair) because it was so easy to take care of them. And I think now the ideal legnth I will keep my boys is about a 2-3"" cut. It's super easy to brush and take care of but long enough to still have the cute, cute doodle curls.
  • playful our boys are wrestle and play and rough house with the best of them. but the best part is that they are not hyper. they can be outside playing and running around and then come inside and  be perfect house dogs and calm down.
  • chill see above. For still being big puppies (18 months old) they don't run around the house like banshees. They don't jump on visitors. They are very interested in visitors and want to be loved by visitors (I mean who doesn't!!) but they aren't in your face or overbearing.
  • easy to love what's not to love about a dog with a permanent smile on their face? See what I mean?

"They" say Goldendoodles are:
  • low shedding I've found this to be true. But when you have a golden retriever then every dog is low shedding compared. LOL. But seriously, these dogs rarely shed and that is a very, very welcome trait!
  • hypoallergenic While I don't know about this scientifically a friend and I are going to test this theory out. Her son is highly, highly allergic to dogs and recently they just did a little test with a terrier/spaniel mix and it didn't work out. We plan on having a playday just to see how this claim holds up. So stay tuned! The real claim is that the multi-generational dogs have more hypoallergenic qualities. My puppies are what is called F1. That means they are 50% golden retriever (mom) and 50% standard poodle (dad), thus first generation. My basic understanding is that multi-generational dogs are considered a goldendoodle that is either bred back to a poodle (F1B) or a goldendoodle (F1) bred to a golden doodle (F1). There's a lot of information out there to learn more about this and the qualities of each generation.
Let me know if you have any questions! I'm not an expert by any means but I love to share about how wonderful these dogs are!

Have a great day!

Being a Big Brother is Ruff


They are here! We are so excited. The timing in our crazy lives right now isn't perfect but the happiness that they bring is couldn't have been better timed. We all need some happiness right now!

sweet, sweet babies. you can see the range in color they are. one day old.

look at that precious face. two days old.

Abstract puppy art

five days old